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Festival Guide

World of Teyvat is an elimination based Chorus Battle that consists of 2 rounds, with full sized entries.


“Each year, Teyvat holds a festival to unite all of its people. This festival encourages each nation to share its cultures and most talented members to the other communities.”


Participants must choose to represent one of the 7 currently known nations of Teyvat, listed below with their element and ideal:


Mondstat - Anemo - Freedom

Liyue - Geo - Contracts

Inazuma - Electro - Eternity 

Sumeru - Dendro - Wisdom

Fontaine - Hydro - Justice

Natlan - Pyro - War

Snezhnaya - Cryo - Love


During the festival, there will be many trials and challenges to complete.

Team Limits


Minimum Of 3 Vocalists, Maximum Of 7.

Teams Must not consist of more than 10 people.


You may only join 1 team at a time. Joining more than 1 group will result in an immediate disqualification to you and/or the teams involved.

Entry Guidelines

Your entry must be longer than 2:30 (Full song)

Your entry must be entered in this format:

【WoTCB-R# 】Song title【Group Name 】


e.x:【WoTCB-R1 】The listener【Zhongli’s band 】


The description of your entry must include:

  • Theme interpretation

  • Script

  • A cappella (Timed/Tuned vocals without Instrumental)

  • Final Mix

  • Art Folder (All Character art and any other drawn assets. You must identify and credit any assets used that were not created by your team.)

  • Animation asset credit (if used)

  • Alternate Video Link (Google Drive)

  • Group member credits


If one of these requirements are not met, your team will receive a large deduction of points.


If any of the following occurs:

  • Tracing, theft, plagiarism...etc.

  • Bullying, discrimination.

  • Harassment of team members, other participants or spectators.

  • Harassment of judges, organisers, and staff.

You- and your team depending, on the severity of the incident- will be disqualified from further participation.

Member Passes

Teams will be given 2 member passes per round. These allow teams to recruit 2 more members, so long as the total remains under the team limit.

Team Limits
Entry Guidelines
Member Passes
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