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Main Quests


Main Quests are the main theme and challenge per round.

Round 1: Let the show begin!
Quest: Represent your nation.
Theme: “Bonds”.


Teyvat’s annual culture festival has begun!

It is now time for you and your team to compete in this year’s first major event:


An extravagant display of your nation and its lasting ideals, centred around the theme of “bonds”.


Perhaps your familial bonds, budding romances, or new-found friendships represent Sneznhnaya’s ideal of Love?

Or perhaps your team’s burning passion and battle prowess perfectly encapsulates Natlan’s ideal of War?

What talents will you bring to the table? 

Will you demonstrate the meaning of freedom? 

Will you reveal your burning passion?

Or even wash away your opponents?

Do your best travellers, for all Of Teyvat has their eyes on you.


World Quests


World Quests are challenges that can be picked by teams, up to a maximum of 3 challenges.

Team may pick up to a maximum of 3 World Quests to complete.

Round 1:
  • Include voice acting in your entry.

  • Include a 3-part harmony

  • Include your own rap lyrics

  • Include a glitch effect in your entry

  • Include a heavy autotuned/robotic vocals effect in a way that fits the song

  • Include tasteful, non-symmetrical panning in your entry

  • Include your own composition of a song

  • Include ambient sounds (birds chirping, fireplace crackling, etc) in your entry

  • Draw staff art.

  • Include an official Genshin Impact character in your entry.

  • Create your own assets (Minimum 5).

  • Use a limited colour palette (Monotone)

  • Create a frame by frame animation for at least 5 secs (fps 8-12)

  • Draw your characters in 2 different poses

  • Show kinetic typography for at least 5 seconds.

  • Use the shapes to create backgrounds/ transitions ex ( 1;47 in the Sample)

  • Use puppeting in your entry (Sample)

  • Use a limited colour palette.

  • Use real world images such as pictures/videos taken with your phone 

  • Create motion graphics using various shapes 

  • Have text move along with the video and vanish within a 3D enviroment

  • Demonstrate the use of the vision through the use of splash art or effects

Miscellaneous challenges, maximum 1:
  • “Paimon is not emergency food!”: 

Make Paimon emergency food.


  • Unfamiliar Familiar:

Include an official Genshin Impact character’s “familiar” (Oz, Guoba...etc.) in your entry.


(Miscellaneous challenges count towards the total of 3.)

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